What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Middle age woman happy on the couch after vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation covers a variety of procedures that are used to restore a youthful appearance and function to the vagina and sometimes also the vulva and external genitalia. Vaginal rejuvenation can be done for cosmetic or medical reasons.

Reasons for Vaginal Rejuvenation

There are three main reasons for vaginal rejuvenation:

  1. Cosmetic reasons. Vaginal rejuvenation can improve the tone and tightness of your vagina, improving its appearance and enhancing sexual function.
  2. Self-confidence. Many women feel better about themselves after receiving these treatments, particularly in intimate settings. It can help you feel younger and more feminine.
  3. Functional issues. Vaginal rejuvenation can reduce or eliminate a form of urinary incontinence called “stress” incontinence. Stress incontinence results in sudden urination after pressure on the abdomen, and can happen after laughing, sneezing, coughing, or during exercise. It can also improve sensation during sex for both you and your partner.

Many women seek vaginal rejuvenation for some combination of these reasons.

Types of Procedures for Vaginal Rejuvenation

There are a variety of procedures that fall under the umbrella of vaginal regeneration. These include both surgical and non-surgical treatments.


The primary surgical option is a vaginoplasty or posterior colporrhaphy. Excess skin is removed from the inside of the vagina, and the tissues are then tightened with strong sutures. This can leave external skin protruding, which can also be removed.

This is an invasive option that results in downtime for a couple of weeks. Patients should not use tampons or have intercourse for eight weeks and some may need to use dilators. Vaginoplasties are typically not recommended for women who want more children, but the results are typically lasting. Some women may also seek a labiaplasty to reshape the labia and vaginal entrance or a perineoplasty to strengthen a weakened perineum.


Surgery is typically only recommended for women with severe vaginal laxity. For more moderate issues, a variety of non-surgical options are available. These include:

  1. Radiofrequency treatments that heat the skin and cause it to tighten.
  2. Pelvic floor strengthening exercises and treatments to restore tone to the muscles around the vagina.
  3. Laser treatment. Like RF treatments, this heats collagen and tightens the skin.

These non-surgical options are not considered to be permanent and both RF and laser treatment need to be redone every six months to a year. However, they are cheaper, quick, and have no associated downtime. They are also better if you are planning on more children. You can have the treatment repeated after you give birth to restore your vagina quickly.

Emsella Treatment for Pelvic Floor

What San Spa of Albuquerque Offers for Vaginal Rejuvenation

We offer non-surgical and noninvasive options for vaginal rejuvenation to help restore youth and health to your vagina. Our treatments can help a lot with urinary incontinence and can improve your sex life. The treatments we offer are:


Emsella uses electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen and tone your pelvic floor muscles. This is primarily a treatment for urinary incontinence due to pelvic floor dysfunction, but tightening your pelvic floor can also improve vaginal health. Learn more about Emsella.


EmFemme is a radiofrequency treatment that heats the target area. It takes about 28 minutes and has no downtime. You can even have sex right away. EmFemme reduces bladder leakage and improves vaginal elasticity, improving your sex life and boosting your self-esteem. Learn more about EmFemme.

vFit Plus

vFit Plus is a medical-grade intimate health device that requires a prescription. You use it at home, inserting it every day for a few minutes. It encourages blood flow, stimulates collagen production, and increases muscle tone. It can take a while to see results, but if you start to have problems, you can simply go back to using the device. Learn more about vFit Plus.


This is another RF treatment that is also good for tightening and improving the appearance of your labia. In addition to urinary incontinence, ThermiVa is particularly good for discomfort during intercourse and for enlarged labia that you aren’t happy with the appearance of. Learn more about ThermiVa.

Which treatment is right for you depends on the issues you are experiencing and your comfort level. If you are not happy with your vagina, then it’s time to talk to Sana MedSpa about non-invasive options to help restore its appearance and strength.

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