Smooth skin is one of the ways that we define beauty. However, over 80% of women experience the appearance of cellulite, which makes the surface of your skin distinctly rippled or dimpled instead of smooth. Cellulite occurs primarily in the thighs, bottom, and belly and can occur even when your body is healthy and fit. While cellulite is not dangerous, many people would prefer to get rid of cellulite or reduce its appearance to feel more confident showing the affected areas.
Fortunately, there are several ways to minimize the formation or appearance of cellulite both through at-home remedies and medspa treatments.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is a rippling or dimpled pattern in the skin that appears when fat below the skin’s surface pushes against the bands of fibrous tissue that support your skin. The exact cause of cellulite is not known, including why it affects women more than men or why some people are less prone to cellulite than others. Cellulite occurs in areas of the body that have a natural layer of fat and it appears for people living a healthy lifestyle. In other words, you do not have to be overweight or unhealthy to develop cellulite, and healthy fat tissue can appear as cellulite.
However, certain healthy lifestyle choices can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite by changing other factors in the affected areas.

At-Home Remedies for Cellulite Appearance
Home remedies for cellulite can only treat the appearance of cellulite. You can take steps to improve the firmness and smoothness of your skin and, in some cases, it is possible to reduce the pressure of fat against your fibrous tissue bands. These are not the same tips as would normally relate to weight loss. Instead, the focus is on skin smoothness.
Build Muscle Tone
Exercising the specific areas where cellulite appears can build muscle tissue. Firm muscles can pull the skin tight, which increases the smoothness quality of your skin and protects your skin from the appearance of cellulite.
Lose Extra Weight
If you are above your healthy weight, pursuing fat loss that targets your lower body can reduce the total amount of fat that pushes against your skin’s fibrous tissues and reduce the depth of cellulite ripples or dimples.
Massage and Heat the Areas
Massage can help promote muscle growth and make your skin temporarily plump with blood flow. This can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Heat can also soften the ripples of fat to temporarily make cellulite less noticeable. However, massage cannot actually break up the fat formations.
Increase Skin Density
You can also pursue skin creams and serums that increase the skin’s thickness and smoothness. Collagen and elastin creams and other topical treatments that increase dermal health can help your skin become more resistant to rippling and reduce the effects of the pressure on your skin’s fibrous support bands.

Effective Spa Treatments for Cellulite
If at-home treatments aren’t sufficient, there are also medspa treatments that can help reduce both the formation and appearance of cellulite in the affected areas. These include ultrasound, radiofrequency, and laser technology which each treat cellulite in different ways.
Shock Wave Therapy - ZWave
Shock wave therapy can be found in ZWave therapy. With the ZWave cellulite pulse therapy, high-energy radial shock waves are sent through your skin and connective tissue. This process improves your blood circulation and promotes healthier skin formations to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
ZWave radial shocks boost the development of collagen and help your skin to become more elastic while boosting firmness. This makes your skin less likely to ripple and pucker in the signature cellulite formations.
ThermiSmooth Body - Radiofrequency
Another radiofrequency treatment is ThermiSmooth Body. It uses radio waves to target areas under the skin, tightening loose skin to improve firmness and reduce the skin’s ability to ripple or dimple. ThermiSmooth provides significant temporary reduction of cellulite appearance. ThermiSmooth feels like a warm massage and will leave your legs looking smooth and healthy, and the effects last between 9 and 12 months after 3-5 sessions.
EXION Body - Ultrasound and Radiofrequency
EXION treatments use a combination of ultrasound and fractional RF (radio frequency) waves to deeply penetrate your dermal, subdermal, and subcutaneous cells. The purpose is to gently produce heat throughout the cells without the discomfort of surface heat. The heat serves to soften inner layers of your skin and subcutaneous fat structures while strengthening your skin for an overall smoother appearance. EXION is used to target wrinkles, scarring, and cellulite with equal effectiveness.
The treatment increases blood circulation and stimulates the cells that generate collagen proteins. This infuses your skin with naturally generated collagen, improving firmness, smoothness, and healthy elasticity.
How Do Spa Treatments Get Rid of Cellulite?
Most spa treatments that help reduce the appearance of cellulite last for several months by boosting your skin’s natural health and resilience. Non-invasive treatments promote collagen growth and skin firmness, tightening your skin so that it can more effectively resist the internal pressures that create the appearance of cellulite.
Typically, you will want to schedule multiple treatments over two to four months and the effects will last up to a year. Radiofrequency and ultrasound treatments often feel like a warm massage, projecting heat deep into your tissue as part of the therapy. Spa treatments are more lasting than at-home remedies but also pair well with lifestyle choices like building firm muscle and daily skin health routines.
Exploring Cellulite Treatments at Sana Spa
At Sana Spa in Albuquerque, NM, we are proud to offer ZWave, ThermiSmooth, and EXION treatments for cellulite reduction. Our expert staff will ensure that your experience is pleasant and relaxing as we help you achieve optimal skin and tissue health to minimize the appearance of cellulite in target areas. Smooth skin that you can show off confidently may be just a few treatments away.
Every person is different, so the best treatment and schedule will be unique to you. We will build a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Contact us for a free consultation.